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About Girl Group Inc : Love Idol
In the mobile game you will be a company CEO and after scouted a few idol and make your own girl group, you will test to save your company from bankruptcy!
You will able to keep concerts, create V application broadcasts and more
Girl Group Inc : Love idol agency is a simulation mobile game in which the user will be able to play as the CEO of an idol label company.
You will play as the fresh CEO of a little idol agency on the brink of bankruptcy
to uncover hidden potentials of idols and raise the company idols into stardom.
Depending on your skill and belief in management systems, your idols can become a world-known superstar or disappear wordlessly into a sea of idols.
How to play
1) Search the roads and scout a lot of talented trainees
2) Train your idol in a dozens of skills such as vocal, dance, comedy, acting, stamina, and intelligence
3) As fresh levels are achieved, you can raise your fandom through a dozens of various broadcast requests
4) Raise the company funding by creating a famous girl group and managing the sales of album, goods, and concert tickets or attend various auditions to maximize your profit.
5) Support grow your company by various investments available by enhancing buildings and hiring various trainers as your idol and company grow.
6) By listening and giving tip and accepting requests of the idols, you will be able to build a relationship with your company idols.
7) You will also be able to raise the help of your stockholders through interviews from a dozens of various sources.
8) Your company fame will rise with every trophy earned during the annual end-of-year ceremonies
9) Make various troops and expand out overseas to release albums or go on a globe tour to manage and grow your idols
10) v Apps can communicate with fans and attract enthusiastic fans. Like KPOP
New Features: crush bug fix
Girl Group Inc : Love Idol Cheats, Hints, Way to Modify, How to Use & How to Win.

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Device: 4.1 and up | Content: Girl Group Inc : Love Idol hack tricks | Rating: 4.265596 |
Latest update: 2018-08-05 | Downloads: 100000- | Type: reviews, guides, tips |
Size: no data | Title: Girl Group Inc : Love Idol cheats from players | Device: Android |
Author: Sunbeesoft Co., Ltd. | File Name: com.appplus.idolstarGooglePlay | Category: Simulation |
Added Version: 1.1.65 | Content Rating: Everyone | Game type: Apk |
How do I enable idol gacha, it's just gray for me doesn't roll
What does physical experience buff? I could swear it's fitness, it could also be dance(?) Need hwelp
How the various roles in the unit works ?? Such as leader , vocal , center,dancer,show and the empty slots
How the various roles in the unit works ??
How to open college Street area?
Scout all Idol in the previous area
How to change the ceo name?
Why I can't see the idols birth year and the album ranking like it doesn't show to me
How do I create an oversea unit
You must have at least 30000 overseas fans I believe, I'm not sure for the number but you must have a certain number of overseas of fans
you should must do this first go to unit then near your domestic group locked 🔒 one you should open with 20 star coins or 50000 game money
Where do I get gacha cards?
You mean, the clothes gacha? It's just in beauty shop, Below it, the yellow cards. There's also idol gacha, and you can see it just outside of the buildings, it's also down below. Though I can't use it just yet, don't know why.
You have to buy it using coins
How can I increase teamwork?
By increasing group leader's intelligent
Increase the leaders intelligence
What rank is higher B rank Or C rank?. answer please because I'm confused of the rankings😭.
B rank is higher than c Rankings (highest to lowest) A B C D F
Why can't I see the ranks. I mean when I produce and my album gets in to the top 30 I can't see the names or numbers
Need to be online
how to improve productions of songs to idols?
How can I do that pls tell me
click on the skill bar ( vocal dance joke act ) and press training
How do I beat the competition 'concert audience goal' (it is the competition after album sales in china)
Go to tour then press world tour and select China.
A good concert combination
How can i get a A rank idol card or take my idol to A rank?
i need answers plz xx
There are 2 ways. 1. Potential cards that will give you a random rank that either increases or decreases. 2. Gacha cards will continue to increase your idols rank but you need starcoins to buy it
How can I save trophies? Because whenever I exit the game it will disappear whenever I open the app again, even though I saved the game before exiting?
How to increase Goods in competition?
upgrade / extend the Goods building
Darie mediah let’s go me go we go
Is there like a relationship thingy with the manager(player) and one of the girls? cause i have like interview with that kind of thing.
No. It is like brother-sister.
I got a lot of clothings with "arts experience value" buffs, what stats does it increase besides singing?
"Arts experience value" is another word for joke. It only increases the joke skill.
It increases all stats like dancing, sing, joke, acting :) idk about the fitness and intelligence thou but I'm sure to the all stats thing.
How to hack experience level in this game?
You can't. Only game money and star coins.
what stats help with better album writing?
joke and vocal skills help with album writing
does anyone knows????... i need help rn 😍😍
How do you complete the "Album Sales Rate (China)" challenge?
You need to create an overseas unit then broadcast on VAPP to increase global fans. After, go to tour then press music sales, select country then pick the flag of China along with some other countries.
How do I unlock invest/learning in world tour?
These features haven't been added to the game yet. They will be unlocked when (or I should say, if) the developers finally make them.
How to solve and open the game when the hacking is detected?
how to increase idol's visual??
Cid: Get hit by mister cupid, do some exercise or read books at the library.
How to pass auditions?
Train your Idols in the regarding skills, for musicals that'd be singing and dancing for example, and click on the audition button in the bottom right corner. You'll be inside a room with all yiur Idols, every Idol will have a number over their head that represents how iften you can audition them. Tap on one Idol and choose the category for her audition.
How to contract idols?
First of all, you have to successfully cast an idol. After that, you go to: scout > employ > select the idol
What is the command ticket when you go overseas? How can I gain those?
The game gives you command tickets every month (game time). You cannot gain them.
Como obtengo la idol que aparece en el VS sale en la historia pero no competimos contra ella pero se supone que ase desbloquea como se hace?
How do I beat Woo Sul Hyun for concerts? I've been having ta terrible audience but I don't know why.
level up your concert stage by expanding it
If your concert area is lvl 3, try use peace/theater/broadcast combination
It is not a answer but my concert stage is level 5 . What genre should I use in order woo Sol Hyun ?
You need to upgrade your concert hall
How can I have more stockholders? :((
Aside from interviews, there's a request to donate 10% of your game money on the start of every month. Doing that will give stockholder points. The more you've earned, the more the stockholders will take. The more the stockholders take, the more points you get. When you have about 11-13 million game money they'll request a certain amount (less than 10%) in exchange for 15 stockholder support points (the maximum).
Hiw to Increase Our Team's Teamwork Any suggestions!
How do I celebrate their birthdays?
Just give them a gift (anything) in the beauty store
What is Entertainment level? How can I increase it?
Entertainment level is an idol's "JOKE" skill. To increase it train the idols in a Joke building.
How do i gain sales in album sale goal (US)???
Use the VAMPP facility, the one that lets the idols do shows. It raises global fans, US included. It could help.
How to open scouting areas
How do you raise the sub levels?
anybody knows? ..
Click the branch again and tap the same branch you want to up the level
How to increase fans from broadcasting? Whenever I do that they always decrease instead of increasing
Raise their beauty and joke skill
Raise their visual and joke skill
How to increase audience in World Tour(ex. China)? I tried releasing international albums, broadcasting online and accepting jobs overseas But audience only comes at max 500 and I'm losing money.
You should also expand the needed country branch and hire more employees in it. They hugely increase album ranks and audience. Don't be afraid to hire expensive employees - they're worth it!
1. China brand sales and... Skill must 100 2. Each type category maybe 50. Ex. Lead 50 intelegence Vocal lead 50 vocal And production, writer, and dance choreography need 50
How do save with out losing any game data?
Is there any working latest version Money/Starcoin mod?
yeah just download HAPPYMOD in chrome/goggle click the first tab then download. when its done open the app and search the game you want to have a mod. choose a mod that have 50%+ mod then tap download and DONE [NOTE: when its downloading dont close your phone because the download will pause]
Open Chrome and search, click it then search the game you want a mod of. Once the download is complete install it.
What are good album combos?
one that works for me is fork/cutie/ingenious
Soul/ Retro/Ingenous This is really a good combination for me.
How can change the names of idols and the group name?
How to create a new unit or group?
Do you know any tricks, hacks or codes?
How would you rate this application?
What is the best way to get resources quickly in the game/app?
Cid: Once gaining at least three potential cards, use it to "upgrade" your idols. Then, enhance their skills by tapping the level bar of their respective category. One could either use star coin (100%) or game money (which I use as a f2p player, percentage ranging from 100-5%). At least, level the first four skills seen (f2p players safe route). Once done, create an album with the promotion level worth 1k ONLY, digital ONLY. One can also nab some cash by utilizing the stage and use it monthly. After reaching a certain level (in my experience, level 20), one may drag the idol to another facility to raise levels (patience mod, yep). Casting opportunities shall appear at every level of each category (beauty, joke, act, dance, vocal). I was able to gather more than enough funds to upgrade my facilities up to level five on my first "year".